A webinar on how researchers can tap the capabilities of the Advanced Photon Source when applying to the EMSL-JGI FICUS call for proposals. [Read More]
At the JGI and EMSL, various tools leverage stable isotopes to measure carbon and nutrient flux, and identify microbes assimilating labeled compounds. [Read More]
How the JGI employs single-molecule, long-read DNA sequences to aid with genome assembly and transcriptome analysis of microbial, fungal, and plant research projects. These long-reads have also been applied to DNA methylation analysis as well as improving metagenome assemblies. [Read More]
Through the collaborative science call (FICUS) between the JGI and EMSL, successful applicants can also access resources at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). [Read More]
A webinar on how researchers could tap the capabilities of the Biological Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (BioSANS) when applying to the EMSL-JGI FICUS call for proposals. [Read More]
JGI and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) co-hosted an engagement webinar on “Accessing Resources at Multiple DOE User Facilities with a Single Proposal.” [Read More]
The JGI Engagement Webinar held November 5, 2020 (video available with captions) spotlighted the metabolomic analysis capability available through the Community Science Program (CSP). [Read More]
During the JGI Engagement: Pro Tips for Webinar, researchers were invited to submit white papers to the Community Science Program (CSP)’s New Investigator call for proposals. The proposal call is open year-round, but proposals submitted by September 21, 2020, will be included in the next review. [Read More]