Content Tagged "microbial genomics"
Subsurface Sediment Yields Novel Organism
Solving Microbial “Dark Matter” With Single-Cell Genomics
Microbial dark matter study in Nature
“This is an astounding paper,” says Norman Pace, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado–Boulder. “The achievement of hundreds of genome sequences from single cells at a shot is an entirely new level of microbiology.” Read more in Nature [Read More]
Microbial dark matter study in BBC News
“For almost 20 years now we have been astonished by how little there is known about massive regions of the tree of life. This project is the first systematic effort to address this enormous knowledge gap.” – Phil Hugenholtz, director of the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics at the University of Queensland, in Australia Read more in… [Read More]
Microbial genomes help propose phylum name
A new technique for microbial genome assembly
Student tools for hands-on genomics and bioinformatics lessons
Cheryl Kerfeld on IMG-ACT in The Scientist
“Bioinformatics has become such an integral part of research. And being able to do this, to use these tools in an informed way and in a way that’s somewhat discerning . . . is really important,” explains Cheryl Kerfeld, director of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Education Program at the Department of Energy’s Joint Genome… [Read More]