Where can I find instructions and templates for submitting proposals?
Review the list of open calls; click on the call link to see specific details including project types supported, sample/capacity limits, and instructions. Many of the submissions are done using web-based forms. To view the proposal templates, go to the proposal submission page in WIP, login using your JGI account (create one here if you don’t already have an account) and click the “begin” button for the call you are interested in.
All proposals must be written in English.
Are there example proposals that I can view?
Yes. While the details of the proposal templates may have changed slightly since these were submitted, the format is largely the same. These proposals were shared with the permission of the PI.
CSP New Investigator proposal – example
CSP Annual Letter of Intent – example 1, example 2
CSP Functional Genomics proposal – example
FICUS proposal (JGI/EMSL) – example 1, example 2
Who is eligible to submit CSP and FICUS proposals?
The CSP and FICUS calls are open to both domestic and international applicants from any institution type and at any career stage. Generally, most users are able to work with Berkeley Lab. However, users from certain countries (Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Syria), need DOE permission and authorization from other U.S. Government agencies to work with Berkeley Lab, a process which can take 6 months or longer to obtain with no guarantee of approval. JGI staff are not eligible to submit proposals, or to be listed as co-PIs or collaborators. JGI’s standard User Agreement must be signed before work can begin, and all CSP proposals are subject to JGI policies on Data Release and Publication. Except for applicants to the CSP New Investigator call, investigators may have existing proposals with the JGI.
How can I increase my chance of success?
Get tips on how to submit an effective proposal here: https://archive.jgi.doe.gov/webinar-successfully-apply-for-csp-proposal/ This webinar is targeted to the New Investigator call, but many of the suggestions can be applied to JGI’s other calls as well. The number one tip: contact us in advance for advice!
What can I request from the CSP and FICUS programs?
The deliverables can range from raw sequence data to well-annotated assembled genomes to synthesized DNA constructs to metabolomics data, depending on the specific product types covered in the call. If you have technical questions, we encourage you to contact us in advance for advice.
How much will it cost me to sequence or synthesize my target or obtain metabolomics data?
For accepted proposals, sequencing, synthesis, metabolomics and analysis will be paid for by the Department of Energy’s funding of the JGI.
Should I include budget information in my proposal?
No, the proposal is only for sequencing, metabolomics and/or synthesis effort at JGI. There is no cost to the user and no granting of funds.
Where do I go to get sequence data from an approved proposal?
A complete listing of approved proposals can be found here. All sequence data will be accessible on the JGI Portal.
I am applying for a research grant. I would like to request genomic resources from the JGI for this research grant. Can I get technical information, deliverables, and perhaps a support letter from the JGI?
Yes. You should indicate this in the proposal so we can select the project provisionally. If your project makes it successfully through the scientific review and is selected, we will provide you with the information you need for the grant.
If I have ongoing research funding to carry out functional studies using the proposed sequencing data, should I mention it in the proposal?
Yes. You should use it to demonstrate that you have the capability to perform the plans described in your proposal.
Will the JGI provide other types of genomic resources such as construction of cDNA libraries, BAC libraries, or genotyping?
While, in general, requests will be for sequencing and its analysis, investigators are encouraged to contact the JGI concerning other genomic resource needs.
Am I allowed to submit NIH-oriented projects to the CSP and FICUS calls?
Scientific merit is the major criteria used in evaluating proposals; however, the proposal must demonstrate relevance to DOE missions. USDA, NSF, and NIH operate sequencing programs, and potential users are urged to contact these agencies for projects when appropriate.
I am in a competitive field. I do not want my competitors to know that I am submitting a proposal to the JGI. What degree of confidentiality do I have?
The review process is confidential. Once a project is selected, however, we will post the PIs’ names and the proposal title. All data will be released in accordance with the JGI Data Release Policy.
What are the JGI’s sample material requirements?
Sample requirements for sequencing projects can be found here. The quality of the starting material is one of the greatest predictors of a successful sequencing project.
What should be included in the “sample regulatory compliance” section of the proposal?
Utilization or transfer of any genetic resource may be covered by local, national or international regulation. These requirements apply whether the use is for non-profit or for-profit activity. A few examples include:
Convention on Biological Diversity Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
Benefits sharing in the US National Parks
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service permits
These examples may apply to your samples, but do not serve as a comprehensive list of regulatory requirements. The user is responsible for determining which regulations or permit requirements are appropriate and ensuring compliance before any materials are transferred to JGI.
What format should I use for my CV?
JGI does not require a specific format; many investigators use a format similar to the NIH or NSF biosketches, or the Europass format. In general, CVs should not exceed three pages.
Who can I contact with questions?
We encourage submitters to contact JGI to discuss their proposals prior to submission! Specific contact info is available on the individual call pages, or please contact us with your general questions.